Entries by adminstaff

Costs of Auto Glass Repair & Replacement

When your auto glass gets a chip or crack, you may think it is not a big deal. However, that chip or crack can spread and turn into a costly windshield replacement if it is not taken care of in a timely manner. Over time, moisture and dirt can get into the crack in your windshield and cause it to weaken. Additionally, during the winter months moisture in your windshields crack can freeze and ultimately lead to the crack spreading.

Signs Your Heavy Equipment Needs Auto Glass Replacement

Tractor-trailers and other heavy equipment withstand a lot of wear and tear on their windshields. Cracks or chips in the windshield are easy to ignore, but can cause as much danger to the operator as a cracked windshield can cause a driver. Machine downtime to repair or replace the glass can hinder the progress of a project. When looking to repair your machinery’s glass, it is important to find a company that can provide fast service so project deadlines are not affected.

What to Expect After Your Auto Glass Repair

After you have your auto glass repaired or replaced, you will want to make sure you know when it is safe to drive your vehicle again. The proper treatment and care of your car’s windshield after repairs is imperative to the success of those repairs. If you do not treat the glass correctly, there is a chance your windshield warranty could be voided.

Dangers of Improper Windshield Installing

Incorrectly installed windshields pose a major risk to drivers and passengers. Poor installation compromises the integrity of the windshield itself, as well as the structure of the car. A windshield is composed of two pieces of safety-graded glass that is sealed together with an extra layer of protection. The windshield is then installed using an adhesive that keeps the window in place.

The Importance of Buying the Right Windshield Wipers

Your windshield wipers are a vital component to the proper functioning of your windshield. Using the wrong wipers or waiting too long to replace your wipers can cause damage to your windshield. Below you will find important information on the life of your wipers and how to make sure you are choosing the right ones for your car.

Ask the Right Questions Before Your Window is Replaced

After doing your research and getting all of your questions answered, you are ready to have your windshield replaced. Glass Works Auto Glass offers quality windshield replacement service from professional technicians. Shopping around for an auto glass replacement company is important. It is easy to choose the first company you come across. Take a few extra steps to ask the right questions of the windshield replacement companies in Tulsa to make sure you are finding the best company for your needs.

Busting Through the Myths About Glass Repair

Many sites on the internet claim that small chips in your windshield are nothing to worry about and won’t do any further damage. Glass repair specialists strongly disagree. Over time, small chips or cracks in your windshield can grow, causing you to have a much bigger problem. Talk with a specialist about getting your small chip repaired before you have to replace the entire windshield.